A visual designer who thinks in words.


Lists are my go to.

Lists help me get everything out of my head and give me a point of reference.  Whether in my sketchbook or as a long list of sticky notes lists are an integral part of my organization within my process.  When disorganization overwhelms me, I stop what I am doing and reorganize my brain so I can confidently continue whatever task is at hand.  I love sticky notes because it allows me to see each task as one individual thing instead of part of a longer list of items. 


 My process begins with research on the project brief.  This stage helps me form a concept and gives me more insight to the potential design decisions I make for the project.  It also allows me to get to know the audience more so I can empathize with their wants and needs.


This is where I start putting my newfound knowledge for the project to work.  I begin with the logo because I believe the logo is the foundation for what the brand could turn into.  From pen to paper I create loose sketches of potential directions I could design the logo.  Typography and colors are also explored during this phase. 


After receiving feedback, I begin to finalize the design and solidify the foundation of the brand and I begin thinking about potential brand elements.  As I get deeper into this stage, I want to ensure everything flows well together and fits well together.  Continuing deeper into the process I want to worry less and less about some of these technical choices.


Design is where I hit the ground running designing the means that were identified during the Fine Details phase.  I take what I’ve developed and see how it works in application across the brand from a label, to a pamphlet, a large billboard and digitally.  I make small tweaks to the palette and style depending on what works and what doesn’t.


Feedback is a critical part for any design to be successful.  I am always looking for formal and informal critiques on my work because I know I need to get out of my head.  Feedback allows me to have a conversation with someone and talk through any roadblocks.  The Design and Feedback phases are heavily intertwined as they rely on each other in order to improve.


I like to visualize my reality from the words in my sketchbook to the designs on my screen.  Having something physical allows me to see it in a new perspective, interact with it, and view it from new angles.  Whether it’s as simple as taping together 8.5”x11” paper or as complex as building out a to-scale model, prototyping is a key step in my process.