
Home is where the game is

Whether you’re a seasoned sports fan or new to the game, everyone can agree that stadium food makes the experience. At a time where sports never felt more inaccessible, 3PEATS Stadium Food brings core of the experience to your home. Cooked with that special stadium magic, 3PEATS offers traditional stadium food through its delivery service and promises to keep the fan-spirit alive. No more moping around the TV and sad attempts at the all-coveted, perfectly steamed hotdog bun because 3PEATS makes home the new stadium.


graphic design
motion graphics
conceptual thinking
pattern development

3PEATS_App design _Grace Fox Portfolio 2021.jpg

the concept


With people finding new ways to make home a fun atmosphere to cheer on their favorite team, home is the new stadium!  From the copy to the logo, stadium food meets the home.