Food and design have one thing in common:

I’m hungry for it.

Design gets me talking about all of these tangents as my friends and family politely nod and smile along.  I feed off of collaboration and working alongside others to creative problem solve.  As an aspiring creative director, I am constantly analyzing brand identities, packaging concepts, and advertising campaigns.  I am a fast learner and am always ready to learn something new.  Over the years, I’ve curated a tool belt of knowledge and skills from professional experience, education, and personal exploration.  These experiences have shaped me into the agile designer I am today.  I am fiercely passionate about what I do and am eager to continue my growth.

I am currently an Art Director at haygarth, an Omnicom Commerce company.  Outside of design, you can find me running three miles that I will later regret, avidly watching college basketball, getting my dog off my dining room table, and munching on a bag of honey mustard pretzel pieces.

My door’s always open.
Let’s talk!

Grace Fox
Design & Art Direction